DISD Bayles Elementary
Project Description:
The Dallas ISD Bayles Elementary School renovation and addition project is on an active campus. The school is our fifth Dallas ISD project. This project includes a complete renovation of the school campus with multiple ground-up additions in the front entry to provide a new security vestibule and in the Kitchen to accommodate the new freezer and cooler for kitchen expansion. Also, the campus will receive all new interior finishes, teaching surfaces, a gym, a fully renovated Kitchen, and a new roofing system. The Crowther Group started the project in September 2023 and is looking forward to finishing by October 2024.
Fun Facts:
The Crowther Group project team identified and collaborated with the Program Manager Jacobs and Architect Alliance Architects on several opportunities during our project planning phase. At the kitchen expansion area, there was an electrical pole conflicting with the kitchen expansion, so this was identified early in the project so that we have ample time for oncor to relocate the pole located outside its Easement to facilitate the expansion without delay to the project. Also, the existing electrical panel load capacities were investigated earlier in the project which opened some conflicts to the design load added to the school addition. Our team worked with the District, Program Manager, and A/E early, and with appropriate coordination with the design team, we mitigated these opportunities, avoiding delay or additional costs to the project.