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DISD H. Grady Spruce

Project Description:

DISD H. Grady Spruce High School renovation project occurred on an active campus. The construction and renovation activities were conducted in a way to minimize any disruption to the school’s normal working operations. Special procedures were always followed to keep all critical systems functional. The project scope of work included adding a new public address system to the existing 320,500 sqft facilities, replacing the roof of approximately 32,000 sqft, and abatement procedures in select areas.

Fun Facts:

Crowther’s team worked nights and weekends around a fully active school campus. Phasing was an intricate part of construction as work had to be completed during holidays, nights, weekends, and times when school was not in session. Over 60% of M/WBE subcontracted trades are used.

General Contractor:

Size (square feet): 32,000

Location: Dallas, TX

Cost: $2.1M

Architect: Drytec Moisture Protection Technology Consultants

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