07 SEP, 2018
Staff Spotlight – Curtis Gahagan

The Crowther Group is growing and, as more talented construction leaders consider working with us, we want to offer an inside look into our culture and people who have found a home here and who continue to contribute to our success. Today, meet Commercial Superintendent Curtis Gahagan.
What are 3 or 4 defining moments for you as your career progressed? Think of events or things that shaped your career path, had the most impact on making you who you are today, and led you to add value to your companies.
“First, I have to give my mom credit. From a young age, she always taught us to work hard. One moment when that kind of came together was when I was about 20 years old and I began working with my brother. A short time later, he asked me to be his partner in the business. Together we worked hard and eventually, I was able to spin off and start a decking and lathing business of my own.”
“Something else that has always shaped my career path is my faith. In everything I do, it’s for The Lord. So, you could say, I’m working for The Lord and The Crowther Group reaps the benefits of that.”
What is your favorite part of your job?
“Building. Building from the ground-up is my favorite thing to do!”
Which of your personal attributes have been most beneficial to you in your career? Explain why.
“Staying focused and on-task is an attribute that has helped me succeed over the years. It’s very easy to get distracted in our work with the constant array of individuals and activities going on at a job site. Often, its simply someone who isn’t as motivated as you are that get you off track.”
What do you for fun while you’re not at work?
“I spend a lot of time with my family—my wife and grandkids especially. I also like to fish. While I’m happy just going out on the lake, I look forward to working on a project closer to the coast soon and going deep sea fishing!”
What are the two or three most important lessons you learned along the way that others could benefit from?
“I remember one project where I was lead superintendent. This has never happened before or since but it turned out to be a valuable lesson. One time, the client decided to add a parking lot. I told him he was required to have it permitted by the city but he said, ‘It’s my property, I can do with it what I like and don’t have to ask them.’ I stood my ground and it grew my character to challenge him and to do the right thing.”
“Another lesson that I continue to learn is how to balance work and home life. Sometimes it’s simply saying no. I try to keep my priorities straight remembering that God created families before he created work!”
Who have you mentored and how did your guidance impact that person, your team, your department, and your company?
“There was a young man who worked for me who really wanted to learn. His dad was my Sunday School teacher and associate pastor. He said that he learned so much by just watching me. And he proved it! He was a good listener and a great worker. Now he works as a Superintendent.”
How do you describe your leadership style?
“I feel like I’m a good leader just by “owning” it. I feel you can’t be a good leader without good followers—people must want to follow you. And you have to earn that, leading by example.”
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