04 AUG, 2018
Students Learn the Phases of Design from Concept to Construction

The Crowther Group recently carried out its core value of serving in our communities and attracting diverse millennials to improve the talent pipeline for DFW’s construction community and, in turn, fuel the future economy by leading a workshop for Dallas ISD’s Summer Bridge program. The Crowther Group is an official Industry Partner to Spruce Early College High School (ECS), providing career insight and mentorship about construction, business, and life in general to students grades 9-12. Those accepted to the program have the opportunity to earn up to 60 hours of free college credit while pursuing their high school diploma and can even earn an Associate Degree. The Spruce ECS program provides academic instruction, and the industry partner (e.g. The Crowther Group) provides mentoring and workplace skills necessary for students to succeed on the job.
Incoming 9th graders to the program at Spruce Early College High School were introduced to their program’s core course curriculum over two weeks, June 11-22, highlighted by presentations and workshops led by the program’s Industry Partners. The Crowther Group, as a Design Build General Contractor, demonstrated “The 5 Phases of Architecture and Construction Design” to students through an assignment to design and “build” a doghouse. In teams, they systematically went through each phase starting with getting to know their dog “clients” and the unique backyard sites they were designing for. Students considered the dog’s size, style preferences, lifestyle and other traits and needs then applied knowledge of the site to determine the best place to “build.” They organized the spaces within the structure using bubble diagrams then created an actual floorplan and elevations. They determined what materials and craftsmen were necessary and then researched the cost. Students had a set budget that they tried not to exceed in order to maximize profit from the work. When all the designs were in place, students presented their ideas to everyone in attendance explaining their logic around the many elements that went into their design. It was clear during these final design presentations that they had gained understanding of collaboration, time and money management and the reasons for the order of the process. And they were proud of what they accomplished.
on the Eastfield College campus, Spruce ECS offers rigorous and supportive academic programs that combine high school and college work, enabling students to graduate with a high school diploma, an associate degree and one of four technical certificates:
• Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology
• Digital Multimedia Technology
• Computer Assisted Drafting and Design
• Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics Technology
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